UPDATE: We Are opening up Requests and Collabs. If you have a request you can contact us via Youtube, email at: shounightroad@gmail.com OR by commenting on the "Requests" page!


Raven Nightroad http://www.youtube.com/user/RainbowRaindropsBand
Country: USA 
Voice Range: Alto-Soprano
Strengths: Slow Songs, Genderbending
Weaknesses: Fast Songs, High pitches
Other Information: Raven is the genderbending female of the group. Her voice fits well with creepy, slow, and sometimes loud songs. She has a twisted sense of humor and sometimes acts a little bit crazy, but she's the best at making people smile when they're down. 

Jade Nightroad - http://www.youtube.com/user/PuckKunNau
Country: USA
Voice Range: Soprano
Strengths: Ballads
Weaknesses: Low pitch
Other Information: Jade is the back-of-the room soprano that sometimes tends to get a little creepy. Her voice seems to go well with slow, soft, ballady songs. She seems to get along with almost everyone but sticks up for those who get picked on. She sometimes has a short temper but tries hard to keep it at bay. 

Kanan Nightroad - http://www.youtube.com/user/InalituKanan
Country: USA
Voice Range: Bass
Strengths: Low Pitch
Weaknesses: Fast songs
Other information: Kanan is the boredom-induced singer of the group. He very rarely sings with much enthusiasm but tends to be able to make others laugh. He sometimes disappears for days on end without an explanation as to why. He enjoys being part of the group either way though. 

Lukza Nightroad - http://www.youtube.com/user/AsuxaEtzel
Country: Germany
Voice Range: Tenor - Soprano
Strengths: Fast songs, High pitches
Weaknesses: Low pitches
Other information: Lukza is the genderbending male of the group. He rarely sings in a low range and often sounds more like a 8 year old girl than a teenage boy. He has a good sense of humor, great English pronunciation, and good Japanese pronunciation. He often goes on hiatus due to various reasons.

Harper Nightroad - http://www.youtube.com/user/HarpieOfChaos
Country: Finland (Is now in USA)
Voice Range: Soprano
Strengths: Soft Songs
Weaknesses: Loud songs
Other Information: Harper is the quietest and most often nicest member of the group. She often knows how to solve problems and is good at keeping others in line. She often gets "stalked" by Yuki and is considered the "snuggle buddy" of the group. 


Country: France (Now USA)
Other information: The founder of Nightroad Chorus. He gathered various friends from the other chorus group he's a member of to create this chorus. At one point he used to sing, enjoying everything about the project, but then gave up on it when he decided he wasn't a good singer.   

Script Writers: 

Country: USA
Other information: She spends most of her time being the creepy stalker of the group. She often stalks one person after another out of sheer boredom. She never did anything other than work as a script writer for every chorus/group she's a member of. She eventually left other groups, because of work, then forgot to rejoin them. Now she's a full-time Script Writer for Nightroad Chorus

Country: Canada
Other information: Is the fun loving, smart-ass nerd, twin brother of Hibiki. He's good at mixing, but not so great at editing and adding effects. He almost never misses school or causes trouble, which makes him the "smart" one. Truthfully he spends most of his time on hiatus.

Country: Canada
Other information: Is the fun loving, Trouble-making, prankster twin brother of Echo. He's great at both mixing and editing/adding effects. He's the one that likes to cause trouble in class rather than actually do his school work. He's almost never on hiatus.

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